Aug 102011

Just when you think it’s all over, along comes something completely unpredictable – in this case, a modest but uncompromisingly original confection that mixes latin brass arrangements (sort of), great drumming, medium wave radio and the many characters of the accordion. Simplicity, complexity, surprise, familiarity -and all without undue fuss but adding up to something exotic and new. Radio Banana is a record that wears its heart plainly on its sleeve. It doesn’t play by genre rules, or fashion rules; it’s just someone’s idea of music – not sampled or assembled out of parts, just played, the old way, by human beings. The combination of elements may be inscrutable, but it was this combination, Aki says, that he wanted to hear. Me too.

MP3 – £6.99
FLAC – £9.99

File Type :

Buy album as CD(£12.50 POST FREE)

MP3: £1.70p|FLAC: £2.00
1. Orchestra, Accordion and MW-Radios #1 listen:
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2. Accordion and Drums listen:
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3. Orchestra Accordion and MW-Radios #2 listen:
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4. Finnish Waltz listen:
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5. Accordion, Drums and MW-Radio listen:
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