Dec 152015
14 pieces originally written for dance and other practical situations, here reassigned and reconstructed for choreographer Amanda Miller and the Nederland Dans Theater.These are loop-based, textural, mood pieces, and invocations of spaces and landscapes, with some fine steel guitar playing. Mostly this is Fred multi-instrumenting, with pianist Daan Vanderwalle, percussionist Willie Wynant, the Arte Sax quartet and Lotte Anker, the Arditti Quartet, Kiku Day, occasional shakuhachi, and violinist/nykelharpist Karla Kihlstedt. Hit from the show: Desert Sundown.


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FLAC – £9.99
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                MP3: £0.70p|FLAC: £1.00
1. Prologue listen:
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2. Run Don’t Walk listen:
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3. One Road Many Destinations listen:
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4. Shimmer Simmer listen:
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5. Up Ahead listen:
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6. Desert Sundown listen:
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7. Ran Didn’t Hide listen:
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8. Hills Have Eyes listen:
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9. Moving On Sideways listen:
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10. Moving On Up listen:
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11. Act of Faith listen:
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12. Home Stretch listen:
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13. Jumped In listen:
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14. Epilogue listen:
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