Jan 052020

Two giants on great form: Alvin spookily surefooted in deployment of his often counterintuitive palette of sounds, Jon just stunning – in a partnership that provides perfect context for both performers. And it’s beautifully recorded. I know this stuff is a hard sell, but it deserves better; this is proper musicianship and it embodies a lifetime of research and performance coupled with some exquisite musical thinking, and no sense of complacency; a master-class. Dense and complex with passages of simple perfection, and so perfectly formed I’d recommend listening to no more than 1 or 2 tracks at a sitting.

MP3 – £6.99
FLAC – £9.99
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Buy album as CD (£12.50 POST FREE)


Listen:                MP3: £1.40p|FLAC: £1.70
1. Adorno’s Boiled Egg
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2. Benjamin at the Border
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3. Shofarshogod
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4. The Marcuse Problem
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5. Marx on Safari
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6. Tequila for Two
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